Stepping forward

Journey through bootcamp

Linked List in JavaScript

A linked list is a data structure made up of nodes. Each node contains a pointer to the next item in the list but is otherwise independent from the other items in memory. Linked Lists are very efficient at appending and prepending items with a big O(1), however, they must be traversed one node at a time so that lookup, insert and delete have O(n). Javascript does not come with linked lists built in but they can be made using classes and or objects.

Using Reselect Library with Redux and React

What is Reselect?

Connecting React to Firebase

Since graduating from the bootcamp I attended, I have done a few tutorials on React and a couple of those connected React to a Firebase backend. Firebase is Google’s web application platform and is a nice option for developers looking to create a quick and simple backend for their projects.

Cubic Bezier examples in CSS

So I was following a code-a-long project the other day in a React course I am taking and I came across some CSS that I hadn’t seen before. It was a pretty cool animation where when you hover over an image the picture appears to zoom in towards you and then returns back to normal when the mouse is pointed elsewhere. I have seen zooms before but this was the first time I had seen a cubic bezier function so I decided to do a bit of research on them to try and understand how they can be useful.

Data Structures

What are data structures?